Friday, January 21, 2005


I have great admiration for those who write letters. Pour little pieces of the heart out into inkwells and scratch the defiant emptiness of paper ships. Scratch at them until there’s enough feeling and meaning to propel their missive over time and space into the hands of another. I have great admiration for those who think nothing of how their thoughts and emotions take on indelible, decisive meanings. Take form and shape and leave them never to return. How do they do it - give birth to something so tangible, at once fragile and yet undeniable, irrevocable, and then set it free into a world full of misinterpretation?

1 comment:

Sara said...

I should not have been able to find your blog... it was a random click that led me here, only to discover that the beautiful things I was reading were written mere minutes ago.
Thank you for giving birth to something tangible. I intend to keep an eye on it and continue reading.
